" NAN " ・ なん ・ 何 ・ ? 


It certainly exists just like you.I feel that craftsmanship is something that reflects our thoughts and wishes through its form. I will continue to face the materials and myself every day, and strive to have fun while doing so.


Not a number のNaNからきており、数値化することはできない自身の経験や人間の勘などからくる、不確かでありながら、確かなものでありたい気持ちからつけました。


<Origin of the name>

The name comes from "NaN," which means "not a number," and is based on our desire to be certain, even though it is uncertain, from our own experience and human intuition, which cannot be quantified. The logo mark can be read as both NAN and MAI, which is both NAN and myself.

It can also be read as "Nan? I wanted to make a name that people in other countries would easily recognize and be attached to, even if they are from other countries.

NAN=MAI  : - Born '98  Based in Yamaguchi.


If there is anything I may be able to help you with, please submit your request here.
I welcome your design and other requests.